A loosely defined action plan for the greater good of Fulmorekind!
So where do I start? SLEEP! Get enough sleep and it makes everything else a little easier! Also, great band! Here’s my plan to climb the holy mountain of fitness!
The plan… get ‘fit’ by the time I turn 45 years old (Dec. 28, 2024) or less than a year and a half from now.
The goals…
Lose weight
Increase stamina
Be more flexible
Build back some muscle
Have more energy
LOSE WEIGHT: I don’t want to think about this one too much but I need to lose like half of my body weight. I’m going to try to focus on much smaller goals and not the bug number. Honestly, as long as I start feeling better I’m not as concerned about the number on the scale. It does need to come down drastically but I don’t have a specific goal weight I have to hit.
INCREASE STAMINA: This is one that slipped away on me without really noticing. I get winded doing almost nothing lately. It’s embarrassing.
BE MORE FLEXIBLE: A lot of my joints and tendons have tightened up due to inactivity and prolonged sitting time. I want to start Turing that around before it goes too far.
BUILD BACK MUSCLE: You don’t use it, you lose it! I need to build back some of the muscle I’ve lost through inactivity. Then build more muscle, I want bigger shoulders! Useable muscle though, not just gym pump muscle!
HAVE MORE ENERGY: This one I think I kind of going to be a by product of the whole process. Lease weight to carry around means less energy used. Being in better shape and more active means more energy to go around etc.
The FFBFF PLAN V 1.0: First steps
Keep to a more regular sleep schedule
Be aware of food intake
Follow all the common sense food rules
Intermittent fast
Weigh in often and aim to lose 2.5lbs/week
Have flexibility for life, but don’t use that as an excuse
SLEEP SCHEDULE: I’m a night owl, my creative brain wakes up around 10pm. I love to stay up late watching movies, or even doing nothing. Late at night, there’s no external demands on my time. Buuuuut… this leads to me being tired and lethargic during the daytime and more likely to make the east decisions around food. AKA order in, processed, less prep required options
FOOD INTAKE: Be more aware, possibly track, definitely don’t cruise on auto pilot
FOOD RULES: No fast food, less fried & processed food, look for healthier options and ways to prepare things I like. More simple foods, more fruit and veg, less bread. I LOVE BREAD, get lots of protein
INTERMITTENT FAST: slightly controversial and possibly led to a binge eating disorder. But it does really seem to work for me, or it did the last time I really tried. I’ve never been a fan of eating early in the am anyway. 16-18hr fast Stop eating at 8 at night, breakfast at noon or 2pm
WEIGH IN OFTEN: In the past this has helped me stay on track. Obviously be realistic about it, depending on what you eat and other factors, the scale can lie. Aiming for 2.5lbs per week.
FLEXIBILITY: This needs to be a realistic life change. I love going out to eat with friends and family and eating food that is my the healthiest. Make room for this occasionally and plan around it! Don’t use it as an excuse to continually eat against the plan!
These goals and plans have worked in the past or similar goals and plans. These will work to a point and need to be adjusted, built upon and added to. The main plan is to be semi rigid but always open to change and to be adaptable as I get deeper into the process.
Here we go!