September always feels like the start of the year for me
So I guess it’s a good time to start back up with this site., but where to begin? Let’s play ONE BAD, ONE GOOD!
ONE BAD: Well, I’m currently injured and stuck at home again. Similar to, and still connected to my injury back in June. My back tweaked out, my quads then had to compensate for a few days, so now they’re dead. So walking is hard and I’m kinda stuck at home for a while as I try to rehab those.
I’ve been doing physio since June and consistently hitting a step goal for 2 weeks before the latest injury. I had been feeling really positive about my progress so I’m hoping this is a bit of a set back not a restart. Even within this, I am seeing some of the positive progress of my previous work compared to where I was the last time.
ONE GOOD: I’m currently down around 38lbs since April. I bounced around a bit in there and I have lots of room for refinement going forward. When I was stuck at home the first time I put all my energy into my eating and now that I’m stuck at home again, I’m doing the same.
BONUS POSI: Luckily, I work from home so I’m still able to make a living even if I can’t get around too well!